
Live Webinar: Industry 4.0

The Role of Weighing Automation in Digital Transformation

Program Overview

  • Brief Intro to Industry 4.0
  • Weighing Integration into PLC/DCS Systems, MES/ERP Systems, and the Cloud
  • What Data Weighing Provides
  • How to Use Weighing and Device Data to Optimize Production and Traceability

Industry 4.0 is the next phase in digitalization for manufacturing. If you haven’t already began to implement Industry 4.0 practices, then it is only a matter of time before your manufacturing process becomes more automated, connected, and data driven. As an important part of many manufacturing processes, weighing sensors can provide the data and control needed to thrive in an Industry 4.0 environment.

This webinar explains how METTLER TOLEDO weighing components can simplify your transformation to industry 4.0 and digitalization. By integrating automated weighing components, collecting valuable production data, and monitoring sensor health, manufacturers and system integrators can ensure that production weighing equipment is contributing to the most efficient and effective processes, both now and in the future.


Andrew Kletrovets

Andrew Kletrovets

METTLER TOLEDO, Strategic Program Manager

Andy Kletrovets is a Strategic Program Manager with METTLER TOLEDO that helps end-users and OEMs integrate weighing equipment into complex and critical applications for all industries. With experience in factory automation, tank/vessel weighing, and weighing services, Andy has been helping companies around the world increase production accuracy and efficiency.